
Historic Marker Sign
Historic marker for Patterson Grove, dedicated in 2010.

Patterson Grove is dedicated to sharing the message and ministry of God’s love and grace through Jesus Christ.

Patterson Grove is situated in a sugar maple grove on the banks of Kitchen’s Creek near the junction with Huntington Creek. The attractive grounds boast some sugar maples that have been aged between 250 and 300 years old. The Campground is located 5 miles south of Ricketts Glen State Park, and 3 miles north of PA Route 239, near Huntington Mills.

The Campground has 103 cottages, an open air Tabernacle, boarding hall, educational unit, recreation hall, picnic pavilion, outdoor chapel, volleyball court, and a children’s play area with swings, sliding board, and picnic tables.

The Purpose of Patterson Grove
In 1868 the first Campmeeting was held on this site. Samuel F. Headley, who gave the Trustees the deed, spoke these words: “I by this deed transfer the trust to the Board of Trustees approved and appointed by the Quarterly Conference of this circuit – and I trust, Sir, that it may not be considered out of place to publicly, as I have in private, pray that this place may be ever watered with the Dew of Heaven – that it’s beauty may remain and that our children and our children’s children to the latest period of time may meet upon this Consecrated spot, and bow, with humility and in prayer and praise truly worship our Father and our God, and receive from Him the fullness of the Blessing of the Gospel of Christ.” (Quoted from Volume 1, records of the Trustees’ meeting and early Campmeetings).